Should I Change Marketing Strategies?

Season #1

Are you feeling stuck at $8k months and wondering if you need to switch marketing strategies? The answer is probably not! Listen in as Susan explains how the brain processes new information, and why switching strategies will most likely DELAY monetary increase.

This is a clip from a live workshop. Watch the entire workshop here 


Susan Fleming is co-author of the #1 international best-seller, "Just Say No: 14 Transformational Keys to Set Healthy Boundaries in Business and Relationships." Purchase at 

Susan is a licensed mental health therapist, founder & CEO of Heaven to Earth LLC, which equips leaders to multiply L.I.F.E. without burning out in the process. She specializes in teaching burned out leaders how to ditch the hustle and performance mentality to work from God's rest instead.

Strategic Prophetic Advisement

The Foundation of Partnership

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Embracing Rest Experience

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