Faith First Leader Academy Membership

Developing 5-Star Leaders through intimacy with God. 

High-touch, low-cost membership equipping you to get off the hamster wheel, kick fear in the face, ditch the grind, obliterate overwhelm, destroy the mind drama, and stop leading exhausted! 


Developing 5-Star Leaders

You have the anointing, now comes the activation! 


The difference between women who succeed in the marketplace and those who remain at the lower levels is their ability to overcome limiting beliefs and mentally move beyond setbacks.


God has given you a desire to see massive change in your industry. Your heart is for the people. You view your position as a service to those people, and to God. You are the people's champion! The words "give up" are not in your vocabulary. However, the path is narrow and seems to be increasingly more difficult to clear of obstacles - external and internal. 


You have been forging ahead in your own strength. After all, you're no stranger to hard work and determination. It has served you well thus far, but now work has taken over your life. Your performance has become your validation and identity. You fear "getting it wrong," fear failure, fear being judged by others, and maybe even fear success. You are starting to realize this internal motivation is really based on performance, and has put you on a path of stress, anxiety, and burnout. 


Perfection is an impossible measure to attain, but you continue to strive for it. You follow the check list every day. You do all the things a "good, Christian girl" is supposed to do, but you still feel far from God. Most days you are overwhelmed by all the hats you have to wear, and by all the things piled on your plate. The more you try to read your bible and pray, the less loved you feel. Didn't "they" say those things would "get you closer to God" and that He would bless you abundantly for doing them every day? 


It's a hard pill to swallow, but you know it's not working.


In fact, nothing you try seems to work. However, you refuse to give up on the mission. You continue on the hamster wheel day in and day out, but feel like you get nowhere on repeat. You know God is calling you to more, and you cannot let Him down. You also secretly want to prove wrong the people who underestimate you, and call you crazy for thinking that you are qualified to make a difference. You are done with allowing your voice to be stifled! It is time for this lioness to ROAR!!!


So, how do you move forward to make that happen? 


By hearing the strategies from heaven, which God shares with those He calls friend. (John 15:15) Those who long for a face-to-face relationship with God will develop the intimacy Jesus described in scripture. That can be YOU, if you so choose. 


You were designed to live face-to-face with God. This level of intimacy can take place here and now. This is the truth upon which your foundation must be built, so that leading flows from the place of knowing who you are and where you are positioned. God is using every part of your life to prepare your heart to reign in partnership with Him. Transformation begins with renewing your mind to truth. 


Faith First Leader Academy equips you to get off the hamster wheel, kick fear in the face, ditch the grind, obliterate overwhelm, destroy the mind drama, and stop leading exhausted! 


You can learn to multiply LIFE (legacy, impact, freedom, energy) by abiding in the rest of God. You may have no idea what 'abiding in rest' means right now, and that is ok! I did not know what it was until God revealed it to me and gave me the framework to teach it in 2020. Since then, I have been living in indescribable FREEDOM and PEACE.  


It will take you deeper in your relationship with Christ than you have ever been. 

It will teach you how to operate continually in the spirit and believe God's word above all else. 

It will expand your capacity to receive all that God wants to bless you with. He knows your desires! 


No more living in fear or doubt. No more leading from depletion. No more daily anxiety, stress, or worry – only love, joy, and peace in leading with a servant's heart. I know it is difficult to believe, but you will! 


God has shown me that it's not enough to pray for Him to change things. You must learn to govern, and that starts with governing yourself. He desires that you move from glory to glory, blessing to blessing, NOT struggle to struggle.


How you choose to govern yourself will determine the life you live. Will you choose to govern in partnership with the one who created you?


YES! I'm in Susan!

Academy Participants Receive:

  • Weekly immersion experiences including prophetic insights and activations specifically for YOU and your assignment
  • Proven neuroscience strategies to rewire the limiting beliefs that have been stopping you from operating in the fullness of your unique design
  • Private community of like-minded leaders, so that you can receive abundant accountability & support - no more leading lonely
  • Comprehensive training focused on implementing actionable steps, not simply gaining more knowledge
  • Susan's 10+ years of counseling experience put into weekly teaching, mentoring, and/or activations


Module Topics Include: 

  • Align to Holiness (healing/friendship)
  • Activate Peace (identity/sonship)
  • Consecrate Your Calling (responsibility/partnership)
  • Seek Holy Alliances (authority/kingship)
  • Seek Investment Opportunities (divine order/reformation)

Working From Rest

Jesus said that He came so that we would have and enjoy life in abundance (John 10:10). You can have the abundant LIFE (legacy, impact, freedom, energy) you crave! It is time to invest in your soul's prosperity with the same level of commitment you have invested for every other area of your life. (3 John 2)


Faith First Leader Academy is for the woman ready to... 

  • Break the mental money cap by obliterating money blocks and other limiting beliefs that have been keeping you in lack or excess
  • Stop the hustle and grind cycle that is not serving you and does not actually gain the time and financial freedom you seek
  • Rewire your brain for success, so that it effortlessly works FOR you
  • Align to Holiness and steward the calling on your life to pioneer the new
  • Learn to partner with God to work in Rest, instead of stress, overwhelm, and perfectionism 


Utilizing Susan's signature Multiplier Method framework, you will: 

  • Gain clarity on God's blueprint for your life and marketplace ministry, then create the GPS for your brain to create that in the earth
  • Learn the foundational truths of your identity, which aids in uncovering the core limiting beliefs that are preventing you from living in true freedom from fear
  • Eliminate and replace the neural network of self-sabotaging thoughts that keep you from fully operating in your calling on the earth (aligning spirit, soul, and body)
  • Establish the foundation of partnership between you (CEO) and God (Owner) that allows you to operate in Him when making decisions, attracting clients, and leading others -- ditching strife and hustle for good!
  • PERMANENTLY shut down fear and mind drama that happens at each new level 
YES! I'm in Susan!

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